From the Teachers

Today was a special day for our students as we visited the Ran-Tong Elephant Camp about an hour outside of Chiang Mai. Students had the opportunity to ride and bathe the elephants, collect sugar cane to feed them, and mix up vitamins for them.


“Does pad thai have peanuts?”

“How do you say thank you in Thai?” “Danke?”

“Is this mud or poo?”


Lila Redman and Nicola Weyer – for not being afraid to get their hands dirty mixing up vitamins for the elephants

Jessica Collins – for guiding the whole group back from the markets last night

Ella Malic – for remaining positive after receiving a full face of mud from an elephant’s trunk!

Stay tuned for a full report on our very special elephant experience from Conor and Braden.

🙂 Ms. Norbury, Mr. Barrett and Mr. Cleary

girls elephant food

Girls mixing vitamins for the elephants

gracie elephant

Meeting our new friends


Elephants eat a LOT of sugar cane!


The group and some of our elephant buddies

8 thoughts on “From the Teachers

  1. Taryn Hall-Smith September 29, 2015 / 11:29 am

    AMAZING photos. Wow. What an experience.


  2. Grant and Janina Weyer September 29, 2015 / 11:35 am

    What a gorgeous experience – what lucky children and a big thank you to the teachers!


  3. Michael and Sharyn September 29, 2015 / 12:08 pm

    Wonderful to see you all helping out so much with these gorgeous animals.


  4. Nicola Warman-Flood September 29, 2015 / 12:54 pm

    What a fantastic day – love the photos and the blog from the girls …. 🐘🐘🐘


  5. Leanne Bebbington September 29, 2015 / 1:10 pm

    What a fantastic time you have all had so far with some amazing experiences! Love the photos and stories.


  6. Alice Moore September 29, 2015 / 9:25 pm

    Looks like everyone had a great time with the elephants.😃


  7. Mandy Lili George CD and the Cat September 30, 2015 / 7:46 am

    What an amazing adventure-have fun Wilsen!!!!


  8. Tammy September 30, 2015 / 8:34 am

    Loving the stories and photos… Massive thank you to the teachers


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