Elephant Camp Experience by Conor and Braden

Yesterday we got the opportunity to ride, feed and bathe elephants. After having breakfast we caught buses to the Ran-Tong Elephant Rescue Centre where we were introduced to an elephant in its 15th month of pregnancy. After seeing our first elephant we were given some clothes to get dirty in – they were very traditional and homemade clothes.

We then started feeding the elephants bananas and sugar cane, some of the elephants favourite foods. We then split into two groups and started with our activities. Our group got to ride the elephants first. My elephant was called Superman and he was the smallest boy, yet he still had the biggest tusks. Riding the elephants was one of my favorite parts of the day.

After a ride we switched with the other group and made some protein balls. The making involved crushing rice with several other ingredients using a large stick. After a quick lunch of chicken with noodles we rode the elephants a second time, however this time we got to ride the elephants into a lake. All the elephants were splashing and squirting water everywhere with their long trunks. It was so fun and washing the elephants was an experience I will never forget.

Later on we had to walk through the fields and collect some sugarcane to feed the elephants. When we got back we were boiling and all dived into the nearest dam for a swim. Overall the day was a very memorable and exciting experience that we all loved.

By Conor and Braden

One thought on “Elephant Camp Experience by Conor and Braden

  1. Taryn Hall-Smith September 30, 2015 / 8:48 pm

    Going into the water with elephants – wow – a once in a lifetime experience!


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